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Foot Patrol


There are many different methods of patrolling and determining which method of patrol to implement depends on many factors, like the type of location, activities, time, people, and crime index. Knowing these security concerns helps determine the appropriate patrolling method. Nonetheless, foot patrol is fundamental. We continuously assess security measures within our areas of operation to ensure your safety. We are proficient to operate both armed and unarmed uniformed security services.  We remain flexible to adjust and refine our patrol postures from conspicuous to inconspicuous patrolling as situations dictates. Our goal during conspicuous patrol reflects our operational objective of crime prevention, involving various tactics and activities to influence the perceptions of potential criminals that opportunities to commit a crime do not exist. We maintain good relationships with public law enforcement agencies, contributing to inconspicuous patrolling, because your safety is our concern.


Security Guard
Security Guard with Dog
Security Point
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